The restored organ was blessed and the project of the Bučovice parish was ceremonially closed


An extensive project, including the general renovation of the organ, has been completed in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Bučovice. The cost of the project amounted to almost CZK 18 million. The amount exceeding CZK 7.6 million helped to eliminate the organ's state of disrepair.

On the 17th of March, in the afternoon, the closing ceremony of the project entitled "Restoration of the Organ and Revitalization of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Bučovice" took place and a thanksgiving mass in honour of St. Joseph, celebrated by the Vicar General of the Bishopric of Brno, Mons. Pavel Kafka, during which the restored organ was blessed. The ceremony was musically accompanied by the local church choir. It was almost to the day 3 years since the first meeting within the project, when the parish in the church on the very day of St. Joseph's feast gave thanks for the success of the application for funding from the EEA Funds, and when St. Joseph was entrusted with the protection of the entire course of implementation.

The Mass was followed by the inaugural concert. The restored instrument rang out under the hands of organist Jan Gottwald, organist of the Archdiocese of Olomouc, who was the creator of the restoration plan and supervised the restoration process professionally.

After the program, everyone was invited to a joint toast and refreshment at the Catholic House.


Blessing of the organ and closing ceremony of the project is part of the project "Restoration of the organ and revitalization of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Bučovice", for which the Bučovice parish managed to obtain a grant from the EEA Grants 2014 - 2021 under the Culture Programme.


Project information

Information on the EEA and Norway Grants